Services for officials

Operation calendar

1.Academic calendar
2.Academic committee meeting calendar

Rules / Regulations



1.Study curriculum guide Bachelor's degree
2.Undergraduate student manual
3.Manual for using the educational service and registration system
4.Advisor's Guide, Academic Year 2024

Check information / search for information

1.Check the number of new student registrations.
2.Check information on courses offered in the curriculum.
3.Course accreditation information
4.Information about courses offered in academic year 2024

Curriculum preparation

2.Course proposal process
3.Guidelines for presenting courses
4.Curriculum preparation form according to AUN-QA guidelines
5.Examples of courses prepared according to guidelines similar to AUN-QA
6.Order form for appointing a curriculum development/curriculum improvement committee
7.Documents for preparing undergraduate curriculum
8.Documents for preparing a graduate level curriculum
9.Guidelines for writing syllabi and course descriptions
10.Guidelines for writing course descriptions
11.The course offering has only been slightly improved (small adjustments).
12.Steps and time period for conducting inspections of educational curriculum and inspection of educational provision.
13.Important documents supporting the preparation of the curriculum
14.Executive Summary Form (for Course Proposal)

New curriculum

1.Educational management of more than one degree program (Double Degree)
2.Educational management of more than one degree program (Double Degree)

Credit Bank

1.Applying to study in the credit system
2.Form for the credit system