Registration and Processing Division Mahasarakham University was originally a registration and processing group under the Education Service Division.
Office of the President on January 28, 2005 Raise the status of the registration and processing group to be the registration and processing division according
to the announcement of Mahasarakham University on The division of departments within Mahasarakham University, 2005, announced on February 8, 2005,
the Registration and Processing Division has a main mission. In the administration and academic coordination of the university, which is responsible for
all students, starting from the enrollment of students until graduation. Responsible for providing teaching and learning services to students, faculty members,
personnel in the university. as well as providing services to parents students and various departments both inside and outside the university information
on student education and teaching programs of all levels, all systems, as well as supporting the production of graduates Academic services, research,
preservation of arts and culture and good management of the university Currently, the Registration and Processing Division is divided into internal departments.
3 work groups and 1 task is the registration work group. Processing group Curriculum and Database Development Division and general administrative tasks
as follows
1. Registration group Its main mission consists of
1.1 History registration work
1.2 Registration work
1.3 Important educational documents
2. Processing group Its main mission consists of
2.1 Educational processing tasks
2.2 Examination and graduation proposal work
3. Curriculum and Database System Development Division Its main mission consists of
3.1 Course proposal and review
3.2 Curriculum standard work
3.3 Course database records
3.4 Development and maintenance of the program system
3.5 Information and statistics database work
4. General administration work Its main mission consists of
4.1 Policy and plan work
4.2 Personal work
4.3 Financial work
4.4 Parcel work
4.5 Administrative work
Philosophy, determination, vision, mission, corporate values and strategy Registration and Processing Division
cutting edge technology Pay attention to service users, fast, accurate, coordinate, aiming to bring the quality of registration work
Registration and Processing Division Is committed to creating an impression of service with modern technology
fast service and create the quality of work to achieve academic excellence
To be a center for providing excellent academic services have modern technology Service is accurate, fast, impressive.
under good management
1. Support academic operations There and teaching management of the university.
2. Promote and support the development of curricula to meet standard criteria.
3. Support and develop the university's academic information technology system
4. Provide educational services to students, professors, personnel, general public, and agencies inside and outside the university.
5. Promote and support management according to the principles of good governance.
1. Strategy to promote and support academic operations and teaching and learning management of the university
2. Strategies to support and develop information technology systems Academic aspects of the university
3. Strategies for providing educational services to students, teachers, personnel, general public and agencies
both inside and outside the university
4. Strategy to promote and support management according to the principles of good governance